Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MLA Raghav Chadha on Thursday said that he has tested positive for COVID-19. Taking to Twitter, the politician urged people, who came in direct contact with him, to get tested. Chadha added that he experienced no serious symptoms and is practising self-isolation for the next few days.
Also read: One year of COVID-19 pandemic: Key moments that sum up the crisis
“I would like to inform you all that I have tested positive for COVID-19. No serious symptoms have surfaced yet but as a precautionary measure I am practicing self isolation for next few days,” Chadha tweeted.
“My humble appeal to all who have come in direct contact with me in the last few days – if you notice any symptoms, please get yourself tested & take all necessary precautions. It is our responsibility to keep ourselves & others safe, preventing further spread of the virus,” he added.
Chadha is the vice-chairman of Delhi Jal Board and national spokesperson and national executive of AAP.
India on Wednesday recorded 22,854 new cases of novel coronavirus, bringing its tally to reach 11,285,561, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare’s data released on Thursday showed.