In Gujarat, a health official tested positive for COVID-19, days after he received the second of the vaccine against the coronavirus infections, reports PTI quoting officials on Saturday. The health officer, hailing from Dehgam taluka of Gujarat’s Gandhinagar, had received the first jab of an anti-COVID-19 vaccine on January 16 and the second shot on February 15. On February 20, he was detected with COVID-19 infection after his samples were examined post fever, officials said.
Gandhinagar’s Chief Health Officer Dr MH Solanki said the man is in “home isolation as his symptoms are mild. He has told me that he is fit to join work from Monday.”
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It generally takes nearly 45 days for the antibodies against the COVID-19 infection to develop after a person receives both the doses of the vaccine. The CHO added that even after receiving both the doses of the anti-COVID-19 vaccine, a person must wear a mask and adhere to the guidelines in order to be on the safe side.
Gujarat has recorded 272,240 cases of coronavirus as of Friday evening, while 4,413 people have died from the COVID-19 disease.