Maharashtra reported a total of 35,952 new COVID-19 cases on Thursday, the highest single-day spike in new cases since the onset of the pandemic, while its capital city of Mumbai also reported a record rise with 5,504 new infections.
This comes after the state recorded 31,855 cases the day before, the previous high in daily new cases, while Mumbai also reported a record high of 5,104 cases on Wednesday.
A total of 111 virus-related deaths were recorded across Maharashtra on Thursday. Mumbai now has a total of 33,961 active cases while 14 deaths in the last 24 hours takes the city’s death toll to 11,620.
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Currently, there are a total of 39 active containment zones in the city, which include slums and chawls, while 432 buildings have been sealed so far after COVID-19 positive cases were found there, the BMC, the city’s civic body, has said.
India recorded a total of 53,476 new COVID-19 cases, with its total tally reaching 1,17,87,534. The country’s death toll reached 1,60,692 after recording 251 coronavirus-induced deaths.