After Pooja Bhat, Salman Khan has now extended his support to actor Faraaz Khan, who is currently being treated in the Intensive Care Unit of Bengaluru’s Vikram Hospital. The actor is best-known for starring in the 1998 film ‘Mehndi’, co-starring Rani Mukerji. Faraaz was rushed to the hospital on October 8. The actor has been suffering from chest infection for over a year.

The news was shared by actress Kashmera Shah in an Instagram post.

Sharing a picture of Salman, Kashmera wrote in her post, “Thank you for taking care of Faraaz Khan and his medical bills. Actor Faraaz Khan of Fareb fame is in critical condition and Salman has stood by his side and helped him like he helps so many others. I am and will always remain a true admirer. If people don’t like this post I don’t care. You have a choice to unfollow me. This is what I think and feel. I think he is the most genuine person I have ever met in this film industry.”

Pooja Bhatt was one of the first celebrities to ask for help for Faraaz Khan. Sharing the link of the fundraising platform along with her tweet, Pooja Bhatt wrote: “Please share and contribute if possible. I am. Would be grateful if any of you can as well.”

Faraaz Khan’s brother Fahmaan Khan, who is also an actor, shared details about his health condition on a fundraiser platform. He has asked for financial help on the platform and he wrote: “My dear brother, a cherished friend and a loved artist lies on the brink of life today. Faraaz Khan who gave many years of his life to the art of acting and gave his best in front of the camera only to impress his audience needs your help to survive today. Please help me raise enough funds to get Faraaz the treatment he needs.”