More than three million Indian accounts were banned by messaging platform WhatsApp in 45 days, the company said in its compliance report, released on Tuesday. The action was taken based on 594 complaints received during this period, seeking ban over different concerns. Globally, 8 million accounts a month are banned on average.

“WhatsApp is an industry leader in preventing abuse, among end-to-end encrypted messaging services. Over the years, we have consistently invested in Artificial Intelligence and other state of the art technology, data scientists and experts, and in processes, in order to keep our users safe on our platform,” a WhatsApp spokesperson said. The messaging platform is owned by social media giant Facebook.

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The exact number of accounts that were suspended is 3, 027,000. The messaging platform received 594 grievances during that time, it said. Among the complaints received were over unauthorised use of automated messages, safety concerns etc. Nearly 95% bans were over the unauthorized use of automated or bulk messaging, resulting in spam. 

Giving a breakup of the complaints on which actions were taken, WhatsApp said it received 594 user reports categorised as account support (137), ban appeal (316), other support (45), product support (64) and safety (32) during June 16-July 31. The report adds that 74 accounts were “actioned”, meaning they were either banned or restored.

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Social media intermediaries in India have to publish their compliance report, in accordance with the IT Rules 2021. “In accordance with the IT Rules 2021, we’ve published our second monthly report for the 46 day period of – 16 June to 31 July,” WhatsApp spokesperson said.

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The spokesperson added that the platform was particularly focused on preventing a harmful activity well on time rather than detecting it after harm has occurred.

The WhatsApp abuse detection operates at three stages: at registration stage, during messaging, and in response to negative feedback, which it receives in the form of user reports and blocks.