Tamil actor Dhanush received his second National Award for ‘Asuran’ at the 67th edition of the film award on Monday. The news of the South star winning the award was announced earlier in the year in March. In an earlier statement, he had said that bagging the top acting honour twice in his career has been nothing short of a “blessing.”
The 37-year-old actor had earlier won the honour for his 2011 action thriller “Aadukalam”.
In a statement shared on Twitter on March 23, Dhanush said that he is humbled by the love and accolades coming his way in his career of nearly two decades.
“I woke up to this amazing news of being honoured with the prestigious national award for ‘Asuran’. To win one best actor award is a dream, to win two is nothing short of a blessing. I never imagined I would come this far,” Dhanush said.
The actor shared the best actor award with Manoj Bajpayee for his role in “Bhonsle”.
“Asuran” features Dhanush as Sivasamy, who is a farmer on the run with his family in a bid to protect his son, who has killed an upper-caste landlord in vengeance.
The film also features Manju Warrier and Prakash Raj. ‘Asuran’ also bagged the National Award for the best Tamil feature film.
Dhanush thanked Vetrimaaran for giving him the role of Sivasamy and said he never thought he would find a “friend, companion and a brother” in the director when they had first met, more than a decade ago.
The duo has previously worked in critically-acclaimed movies such as 2007’s “Polladhavan”, “Aadukalam” and “Vada Chennai” (2018).
“I am so proud of the four films we have worked together and the two films we have produced together. I am very glad you chose to believe in me so much and I chose to believe in you. Now can’t wait to hear what you have written for me next. A big hug.”
The ‘Asuran’ actor also thanked the National Award jury, “Asuran” producer Kalaippuli S Thanu and the entire team of the film.