Days after Bollywood actor Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, and her daughter Aaradhya got admitted in Mumbai’s Nanavati Hopsital, after testing positive for COVID-19, the duo have tested nagative.
As per reports, both of them have been discharged from the hospital.
The same was confirmed by her husband Abhishek Bachchan, who is still admitted in the hospital, along with father Amitabh Bachchan and will continue to remain under observation.
“Thank you all for your continued prayers and good wishes. Indebted forever” Abhishek tweeted.
“Aishwarya and Aaradhya have thankfully tested negative and have been discharged from the hospital. They will now be at home. My father and I remain in hospital under the care of the medical staff,” he added.
The former Miss World had tested positive on July 12, but was hospitalised after developing mild symptoms on July 17.