The 49th Chief Justice of India, Uday Umesh Lalit, will be swearing in his new role on Saturday, August 27, 2022, at the Rashtrapati Bhawan in New Delhi. He was appointed as the new CJI on August 10, by President Draupadi Murmu. As he takes charge, his family legacy will also take centre stage, displaying its century-old connection with law.
CJI UU Lalit’s swearing-in ceremony will be attended by three generations of the Lalit family, along with other dignitaries, including President Draupadi Murmu. The family, which comes from Maharashtra, has a rich legacy in law that goes back more than a century, during the British Raj.
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The legacy of the Lalit family began with the 49th CJI’s grandfather, Ranganath Lalit, who worked as a lawyer in Solapur during the British Raj, much before India became independent. He set the bar for the generations to follow, and it is continuing till this day.
CJI UU Lalit’s father, Umesh Ranganath Lalit, is now 90 years old. Similar to his father, Umesh also worked within the law, as he began as a lawyer in Maharashtra before becoming a high court judge later.
His son, who has now been appointed as the new CJI, married Amrita Lalit, who works as a teacher in a school in Uttar Pradesh’s Noida. They have two children, Harshad Lalit and Shreeyash Lalit, all of who will be present during the swearing-in ceremony on Saturday.
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Both Harshad and Shreeyash pursued engineering degrees in college, however, Shreeyash decided to turn to law later. He married Raveena Lalit, who also works as a lawyer. Meanwhile, Harshad has continued to pursue his trade and currently lives in the United States with his wife Radhika and works as a researcher.
CJI UU Lalit’s tenure is set to be 74 days long and his career and family legacy, which began in Maharashtra, has reached its peak now.