The BJP on Sunday took a jibe at Trinamool Congress MP and actor Nusrat Jahan for losing her temper during an election campaign in West Bengal. The official account of BJP shared a video on Twitter, in which the 31-old-year actor can be heard saying in Bengali that she can’t do a rally for more than an hour, even for Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee.
“TMC MP Nusrat Jahan ‘I can’t do rally for more than 1 hour, I don’t even do it for CM’,” West Bengal BJP captioned the 25-second clip with a laughing emoji and a hashtag that said ‘Mamata Losing Nandigram’.
Seeing the opportunity, Twitterati rushed to the comment section to troll Nusrat.
“She can’t attend rally for more than one hour… But we are supposed to vote for her as our representative… God only save us…,” a comment read.
“Patience Nusrat patience. You are in politics. Not your shooting,” another said.
Notably, the first phase of polling for the eight-phase West Bengal Assembly election has already been held on Saturday. Both BJP and Trinamool Congress have deployed their star campaigners in the state for the final push.
Voting for the last phase is slated to be held on April 29 and votes for all the phases will be counted on May 2.