The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Monday flagged violations of the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) by Trinamool Congress leaders during campaigns for the upcoming West Bengal assembly elections, reported news agency ANI. In a letter to the Election Commission, Rajya Sabha MP Swapan Dasgupta and Pratap Banerjee, vice-president of the party’s state unit, accused Trinamool Congress leaders Firad Hakim and Arup Roy of violating MCC protocols in separate incidents on February 27.
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The BJP leaders said that Hakim visited a mosque and announced favours for the “minority community and appealed to the gathering to defeat BJP”, in addition to money being distributed by the Ramkrishnapur Co-operative Bank, Howrah under Roy’s direct supervision.
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The BJP leaders further demanded that Hakim and Roy be debarred from contesting the elections and participating in the electoral process.
Election to the 294-constituency Assembly in West Bengal will be held in eight phases between March 27 and April 29. The BJP is aiming to form its maiden government in the state.