The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Sunday summoned two personal staff members of former Maharashtra home minister Anil Deshmukh. CBI is currently investigating the corruption allegations levelled by ex-Mumbai police commissioner Param Bir Singh against Deshmukh, reported PTI.
Also read: Who is Anil Deshmukh? NCP leader stepped down as Maharashtra home minister
Sanjeev Palande and Kundan are being questioned in connection with the preliminary inquiry registered by the agency on the directives of the Bombay High Court, officials told PTI.
Param Bir Singh, days after being removed as commissioner of Mumbai Police for mishandling the bomb scare outside Mukesh Ambani’s residence, alleged that Deshmukh had asked suspended cop Sachin Waze to collect Rs 100 crore per month from hotels and bars in Mumbai. He also alleged that Palande was present at that moment.
Waze is facing a National Investigation Agency (NIA) probe in the Ambani case. He, in his statement, had reportedly claimed that Kundan was present during one such conversation.
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The agency started its preliminary inquiry into allegations of bribery against Deshmukh on Tuesday on the orders of the high court.
It sent a team of officers from Delhi to Mumbai to carry out the probe.
The CBI has already questioned Waze, Singh and other officers of the Mumbai Police.