Calling the post-poll violence “sporadic”, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee today hit back at the Centre, saying they don’t send any teams when there’s an oxygen shortage or incident like Hathras happened instead send teams here in Bengal, and then added a caveat for the BJP ministers or the team visiting the state – “RT-PCR report is mandatory.”
Mamata Banerjee, who accused central ministers of “inciting violence” in West Bengal, said: “It has not even been 24 hours since I’ve taken over and already letters and central teams are being sent.” She added that the BJP “cannot accept the people’s verdict, so they are indulging in this. Violence is happening in places where the BJP has got votes.”
Also read: V Muraleedharan curtails Bengal visit after alleged attack, posts video
“I can see some central ministers are coming here to provoke riots at a time when all political activity is curbed. There are always some sporadic incidents after elections and that is why I announced no celebrations,” the chief minister said, announcing a compensation of 2 lakh for all those who have died in post-poll violence in the state since the May 2 election results
She then clarified on the much-needed requirement to enter the state. “Let me say this that whoever is coming from outside, even if it is the central ministers, RT-PCR is mandatory even if they come on special flights,” Mamata Banerjee said, adding that “The rule should be the same for all. COVID is increasing because of BJP leaders coming here again and again.”
Also read: Both Trinamool, BJP workers among 16 killed in post-poll violence: Mamata Banerjee
The BJP has claimed that six of its workers were killed by TMC supporters, the charge denied by the ruling party. The Union Home Ministry has asked West Bengal Governor Jagdeep Dhankar to give a report on the law and order situation in the state, particularly the violence that took place following the election results last weekend, officials said on Thursday.