In a gruesome incident, a couple killed a six-year-old boy on a suspicion that black magic performed by his family led to the death of their
buffalo in a village in Maharashtra’s Beed district, police said on Friday, PTI

The incident took place on Wednesday in Ratnagiri village and the
accused, Rohidas Sapkal and his wife Devyeebai, were arrested on Thursday, they
said. The accused and the boy’s parents were related.

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The police started the investigation after the victim’s family alleged foul
play in his death. Assistant Police Inspector (API) Laxman Kendre said the
couple owned a buffalo, which died suddenly and the husband-wife duo blamed the victim’s family for its death. 

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The couple kidnapped the boy, strangled him to death and threw the body near a school,
Kendre said.

The victim went kidnapped on Wednesday morning while he was playing with his friends near the school on the village outskirts, the police
said. His body was found near the school. He was rushed to a nearby
hospital by local residents, but was declared dead by doctors, the police said.