Security has been tightened outside Reliance chairman Mukesh Ambani’s residence Antilia a day after a vehicle with explosives was found. According to media reports, green colour Scorpio was found parked close to Antilia. Bomb Detection and Disposal Squad (BDDS) team reached the spot immediately and found gelatin sticks and a threat letter inside it.
The handwritten letter, written in broken English, was addressed to Mukesh and Neeta Ambani. According to media reports, It stated that planted explosives was just a ‘trailer’ and they will return with more preparations to assassinate the whole family later.
The Mumbai Police has registered an FIR and following the incident, Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh said that Mumbai Police Crime Branch will investigating the whole matter.
Security has been tightened outside Ambani’s house after Thursday night incident and Mumbai police are conducting searches across the city. The vehicle has been seized for investigation.
Antilia is famous for its three rooftop helipads, parking for 168 cars, a 50-seat movie theater, three floors of Babylon-inspired hanging gardens, a yoga studio and a fitness center.