Droupadi Murmu has become a symbol of hope for the members of the Santhali tribe in the remote district of Mayurbhanj, since she was announced as BJP-led NDA’a pick for the Presidential election. A long time resident of the district, Ms Murmu was born in Uperbeda and has lived in Pahadpur and Rairangpur, has a close connection with other residents and the region.
The local units of the BJP have already put up posters showing Murmu in the districts, especially in the aforementioned villages. The residents, who helped Droupadi Murmu to become a councillor and an MLA for two terms, have kept her in their prayers and have a very distinct image of her in their minds.
Also Read: Who was Shyam Charan, Droupadi Murmu’s husband?
One among the residents and a close relative to Droupadi Murmu, Sarswati Tudu, revealed a premonition that they were told someone from the village will rise to fame in the future.
“We were told many years back that someone from Uperbeda will become a very big person in India,” she revealed.
Sarswati also described Droupadi as a deeply spiritual person, who offers prayers whenever she comes back to Uperbeda and also called her ‘blessed.’
“Droupadi has been a blessed daughter of Uperbeda. Already four families of Uperbeda have succeeded in politics. Kartik Tudu, our uncle, was a minister in Bhubaneshwar. He helped Droupadi complete matriculation and study in a college in Bhubaneshwar,” she said.
She also revealed that Droupadi was named after her paternal grandmother Droupadi Tudu.
Another resident and Droupadi’s uncle, Samay Tudu, said, “She is an emotional person but a firm woman. She is a stubborn woman. Her determination is strong. Don’t underestimate her capacity.”
Tudu seemed full of pride on Droupadi and described Droupadi as someone who is well read, can deliver speeches, is proud of herself and understands the well being of the tribal community.
Also Read: Droupadi Murmu’s 2017 Presidential bid: True or not?
A family friend of Droupadi for a long time, Rabindra Patnaik, remarked, “She is a simple woman of few needs. Her favourite food is Pakhala, a local watery dish made of rice and curd. She is a strict vegetarian, follows the Hindu religion and keeps away from superstitions while keeping faith in the tribal culture.”
Patnaik also revealed that while Droupadi was the Governor of Jharkhand, she questioned and refused to sign on laws citing it was not in the interest of the tribals. He also revealed that the politician was the class topper while in primary school, and as a tradition, was not allowed to become the monitor of the class. However, she fought to become the class monitor.