The Election Commission of India on Thursday said that polling at booth number 7 in Nandigram was “not disrupted at any moment.” The remarks by the EC came after the Trinamool Congress, including West Bengel Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, alleged that goons from Bihar and Uttar Pradesh created ruckus at the Boyal polling booth in the second phase of state assembly elections, and added that locals were not allowed to cast votes.
The EC said that General Observer Hemen Das and Police Observer Ashutosh Roy were asked to go to the spot after media covered the incident of the alleged gherao of Mamata. The EC added that Das reported that “polling was not disrupted at any moment” at the Boyal Moktab Primary School polling station (in Nandigram), reports ANI.
Also Read | Polling for second phase of West Bengal Assembly election concludes
Talking about the complaint by Mamata over polling Nandigram on Thursday, the EC said it has been forwarded to Special General Observer Ajay Nayak and Special Police Observer Vivek Dube, as the two have been asked to send the report by Friday 6 pm.
Mamata was TMC’s candidate from the Nandigram assembly constituency, up against former party leader Suvendu Adhikari, who this time contested the seat on BJP’s ticket.
Also Read | Will win Nandigram with blessings of ‘Maa Maati Manush’: Mamata Banerjee
The TMC leader slammed the EC for not taking any action despite complaints, including allegations of ‘booth capturing’ and massive fake voting at the Boyal polling booth, and warned that she will move to court.
The CM also spoke to West Bengal Governor Jagdeep Dhankar, asking him to look into the matter.
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Sporadic violence and minor clashes were reported from various constituencies, including the high-profile Nandigram.