The story of Desar from Mumbai has caught the attention of netizens after Humans of Bombay shared it on Instagram. Desar, an old auto rickshaw driver, works seven days a week to fulfil his families dream. What caught the attention was his never-ending spirit even after losing his two sons at an early phase of life. “Six years ago, my oldest son disappeared from home. A week later, people found his dead body in an auto; he was just 40. And 2 years later he lost his other son too that was informed to him on a call saying- Your son’s body has been found on platform number 4…suicide kar liya hai usne,” said Desar.
However, he gathered motivation and courage from his daughter-in-laws and their 4 children. The responsibility to feed his family pushed him forward.
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The auto rickshaw’s granddaughter, who was in Class 9 at that time, did not want to quit school and asked if she’ll have to drop out soon. Desar promised to help her complete her studies and he started working for long hours, which would always start from 6 am and end at midnight.
Love came pouring in from all the social media users and later on Karishma Mehta, founder of Humans of Bombay, posted his number for helping the old man.
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There was a time when he went door to door to beg for money for his sick wife’s medicines. But all his hard work paid off when his granddaughter scored 80% in her board exams and further wished to go to Delhi for a BEd course.
“Sending her to another city was way beyond my capacity, but I had to fulfill her dreams…at any cost. So, I sold our house to pay her fees. Then, I sent my wife, daughter-in-law and other grandkids to our relatives’ home in our village, while I continued staying in Mumbai without a roof.”
While Desar lived in an auto fighting for a decent standard of living, he also tells that whenever his granddaughter calls him all his worries fade away and he can’t wait for her to become a teacher so that he can hug her and say ‘You’ve made me so proud.’
“She’s going to be the first graduate in our family–main toh poore hafte sakbo free ride dunga,” said the old man.