The central and state governments collected Rs 86,449 crore as Goods and Services Tax (GST) in the month of August, the Ministry of Finance said on Tuesday. The GST collection in August this year, marred by coronavirus pandemic, is 12% less than the 2019-20 fiscal year.
The GST collection in August 2019 was Rs 98, 202 crore. According to the official data, after regular settlements, the central government collected Rs 34,122 crore while the states collected Rs 33,714 crore.
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The revenues of import of goods were 77% during the month while the revenues from the domestic transaction (including import of services) were 92% of the revenues from these sources during the same month last year, the finance ministry data said.
“It may also be noted that the taxpayers with turnover less than Rs 5 crore continue to enjoy relaxation in filing of returns till September,” the ministry’s statement said.