Harjot Singh (31), an Indian student, who had sustained bullet injuries while trying to escape Kyiv in a taxi on February 27, has been successfully evacuated from Ukraine. The 31-year-old on Monday crossed Ukraine’s border and entered neighbouring Poland.

Indian diplomats were present when Singh crossed the Ukrainian border today.

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News agency ANI reported that Singh was shifted into an ambulance provided by the Polish Red Cross. He was then escorted to an Indian Air Force plane that will bring him and other Indians back to India from Poland.

Union minister Gen (retd) VK Singh, who is coordinating evacuation efforts in Poland, had stated yesterday that Singh will be brought back to India on Monday.

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“Harjot Singh, an Indian national who sustained bullet injuries in Kyiv and lost his passport, will return to India with us tomorrow,” VK Singh had tweeted.

It is reported that Singh had sustained four bullet injuries. One of the bullets had hit his chest.

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Harjot was quoted as saying earlier that bullets were fired at them when he and others were travelling in a cab in Lviv and were stopped at a barricade. “I am alive by God’s grace,” he had stated.

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The Indian government had announced last week that it would bear all the medical expenses of Harjot Singh.