The Bharatiya Janata Party’s key ally in Haryana, Jannayak Janta Party (JJP), has made it clear that it was not onboard the plans to introduce a legislation to check alleged “love jihad” in the state. JJP leader and deputy Chief Minister Dushyant Chautala says he does agree with the term, which is used by some to describe what allegedly is a plan by Muslims to lure Hindu women and force them to convert.
Read more: Decoding UP government’s draft law on ‘love jihad’
“I dont agree with this term called ‘love jihad’. We will get a law specifically for checking forceful religious conversion and we will support it. If anybody converts willingly or marries to a partner of another faith, then there is no bar,” Dushyant Chautala told NDTV.
Several BJP-ruled states, including Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka have already enacted the law and also made arrests under the new legislation.
This is not the first time Chautala has spoken up against the Haryana government’s line. He earlier supported the farmers’ demand to repeal new farm laws as passed by the BJP government at the Centre. He had even threatened to resign if the farmers were not heard.
As the BJP-JJP government plans to table the legiuslation in the upcoming Budget session, an RTI has revealed that four cases of interfaith relationships have been lodged in Haryana over the past three years. The police later cancelled the FIRs in two cases, third ended in an acquittal. The fourth case is still in court.