India Meteorological Department (IMD) on Tuesday launched a climate data
service portal, which consists data of over 100 years. The portal has been
developed by IMD Pune wing in an attempt to make climate data management easier
and accessible to general public.
platform, which will be accessible to public, facilitates completely automated
climate data management with the help of real time data acquisition and expedited
data dissemination.
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portal will have all the data IMD owns since 1900 and some of the key components
of the portal are real-time monitoring of weather observations made by IMD, its
metadata, other reports and dashboard etc.
also has a free download facility for gridded temperature and rainfall data of
India, climatological tables — extremes and normal, information on monsoon
rainfall and cyclone frequencies.
IMD also released standard operation procedures for monitoring, forecasting and
warning services of severe weather events.
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were also released on a host of other services like satellite application in
weather forecasting, radar application in weather forecasting, numerical
weather prediction, public weather services, cyclone warning, heavy rainfall
warning, thunderstorm warning, heat and cold wave warning, fog warning
services, nowcasting, multi-hazard early warning system, urban meteorological,
marine weather forecasting, meteorological communication and early warning
dissemination, agrometeorological advisory, aviation meteorological, hydro
meteorological, air quality monitoring, post event survey and forecast
verification, training in operational meteorology.
IMD Director General M Mohapatra said these SOPs will prove to be very
helpful to the operational forecasters and will serve as a valuable document
for carrying out research activities