After a day of suspense over her fate in Nandigram Assembly constituency, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Sunday evening, in a hint of a surrender, said, “It’s ok. Let the Nandigram people give whatever verdict they want.” She was pitted against her one-time close aide Suvendu Adhikari.
“Don’t worry about Nandigram, I struggled for Nandigram because I fought a movement. It’s ok. Let the Nandigram people give whatever verdict they want, I accept that. I don’t mind. We won more than 221 seats & BJP has lost the election,” Banerjee said, according to ANI.
Also read | Mamata Banerjee returns in West Bengal, DMK sweeps Tamil Nadu, BJP takes Assam
The 66-year-old Chief Minister’s statement came within minutes of a BJP leader’s tweet in which he said that she had lost by more than 1600 votes. “This is BIG. Mamata Banerjee, the sitting Chief Minister, loses Nandigram. BJP’s Suvendu Adhikari wins by 1,622 votes. After this crushing defeat what moral authority will Mamata Banerjee have to retain her Chief Ministership? Her defeat is a taint on TMC’s victory…”, BJP’s IT cell chief Amit Malviya tweeted even before the results were officially announced.
As counting of votes progressed through the day, Mamata’s opponent and BJP leader Suvendu Adhikari maintained a decent lead. At one point, he was leading by 10,000 votes. Then came a total blackout as EC servers crashed around 1 pm. Hours after that, Banerjee emerged at 6 pm to thank people for the landslide victory for her party and to accept the ‘Nandigram verdict’