Active coronavirus cases in India fell below the 1.5 lakh mark a day after it crossed the mark. According to health ministry data, India on Monday recorded 10,584 number of new COVID-19 cases. The overall COVID-19 tally stood at 1,10,16,434, while the death toll rose to 1,56,463 with 78 new fatalities.
According to the Union Health Ministry, the surge in active cases was due to Maharashtra, Kerala, Chhattisgarh, Punjab and Madhya Pradesh reporting a spike in the daily infections.
On Monday, India had crossed 1.5 lakh mark in active cases after a gap of 17 days. The last time India had over 1.5 lakh active COVID-19 cases, was on February 5, after which they started declining.
India’s COVID-19 tally had crossed the 20-lakh mark on August 7, 30 lakh on August 23, 40 lakh on September 5 and 50 lakh on September 16. It went past 60 lakh on September 28, 70 lakh on October 11, crossed 80 lakh on October 29, 90 lakh on November 20 and surpassed the one-crore mark on December 19.