Justice Nuthalapati Venkata Ramana on Saturday was sworn in as the 48th Chief Justice of India, a day after former CJI SA Bobde retired. Justice NV Ramana was administered the oath by President Ram Nath Kovind at Rashtrapati Bhavan in a small ceremony, which was attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu, and Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad among others.
Justice Ramana was appointed as the chief justice of India on April 6.
On Friday, former CJI Sharad Arvind Bobde retired from the Supreme Court. In his farewell speech, SA Bobde said, ”
I leave with the satisfaction that I did my best. I hand over the baton to Justice N V Ramana (48th CJI) who will I am sure will very ably lead the court.”
NV Ramana, 63, was born in an agricultural family in the Krishna district Andhra Pradesh. Ramana will be the CJI of India till August 26, 2022.
The 63-year-old has practiced in the High Court of Andhra Pradesh, Central and Andhra Pradesh Administrative Tribunals and the Supreme Court of India in Civil, Criminal, Constitutional, Labour, Service and Election matters, NV Ramana’s profile on the website of Supreme Court of India says.
NV Raman was elevated as the Chief Justice of Delhi High Court in 2013 and as a judge of the Supreme Court in 2014.