The Congress on Sunday announced seven panels for the Uttar Pradesh assembly polls in 2022. While Nirmal Khatri and Naseeb Pathan found places in the panels announced by the party, the likes of Jitin Prasada and Raj Babbar failed to find a place in the panels for Uttar Pradesh.
The Congress announced the formation of the Manifesto Committee, Outreach Committee, Membership Committee, Programme Implementation Committee, Training and Cadre Development Committee, Panchayat Raj Election Committee and Media and Communication Advisory Committee for its Uttar Pradesh unit.
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Jitin Prasada and Raj Babbar were signatories to a letter to party chief Sonia Gandhi for a re-haul of the organisation.
Former UPPCC chief Khatri is in the Training and Cadre Development Committee, while Pathan is part of the Programme Implementation Committee. Both had denounced the letter writers and demanded action against them.
While Salman Khurshid, PL Punia, Aradhana Misra, Supriya Shrinate, Vivek Bansal and Amitabh Dubey are in the Manifesto Committee, those in the Outreach Committee include Pramod Tiwari, Pradip Jain, Gajraj Singh, Naseemuddin Siddiqui, Imran Masood and Bal Kumar Patel.
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Those in the Membership Committee are Anugrah Narayan Singh, Ajay Kapoor, BL Khabri, Mohd Muqeem, former MP Kamal Kishore “Commando” and former Varanasi MLA Ajay Rai.
The Media and Communication Advisory Committee has Rashid Alvi, Lalitesh Pati Tripathi, Akhilesh Pratap Singh, Surendra Rajput, Omkar Singh and Virendra Madan.
The UPPCC president and the CLP leader will be ex-officio members of all the committees, an official communication from the party said.