A 16-year-old girl was allegedly raped by a 21-year-old man on Sunday in tribal-dominated Alirajpur district of Madhya Pradesh, reports PTI quoting the police. Both the survivor and the accused were then tied with ropes, beaten and paraded by the villagers.
Police have arrested six persons – the man who is accused of rape and five villagers.
A video, that has gone viral on social media, shows the girl and the accused tied with ropes, being beaten and forced to walk in public in the village. Villagers are seen chanting ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai’ as the two are beaten and paraded.
The girl was rescued by police, a senior officer said.
Sub-Divisional Officer of Police (SDOP) Dilip Singh Bilwal said two cases were registered on Sunday on the FIRs lodged by the victim.
“One of the cases was registered against the 21-year-old man who is accused of rape. Another FIR was registered against family members of the girl and villagers for parading her in the village and beating her,” Bilwal said, adding that the rape accused is married with two children.