Maharashtra, on Thursday, reported 43,183 new COVID-19 cases, registering its highest one-day rise since the pandemic began, news agency PTI reported, quoting Health officials. It also saw 249 deaths. This tally took Maharashtra’s total caseload to 2,856,163; total recoveries 2,433,368 and active cases at 366,533.
The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation, on Thursday, said that Mumbai reported 8,646 new COVID-19 cases, its highest single-day rise since the pandemic began. This took Mumbai’s COVID tally to 423,360. With 18 new deaths, the death toll rose to 11,704.
Maharashtra on Wednesday reported as many as 39,544 new coronavirus cases, its second-highest single-day rise in infection tally since the pandemic began, a health official said.
With this, the state’s cumulative caseload mounted to 28,12,980.
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Maharashtra added 6,51,513 COVID-19 cases in March this year, which accounts for 88.23% of the total number of cases reported in the previous five-month period, according to official data.
Between October 1 last year and February 28, 2021, the state recorded 738,377 cases of coronavirus.
The data shows the increased pace of viral infection in March 2021 compared to previous months.
One of the main reasons for it is the people not following “COVID-appropriate behaviour”, say experts.
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Many people are not maintaining social distance and do not wear masks, exposing themselves to the infection, they say.
“There have been several discussions among state officials and ministers about increasing the fine amount for people not wearing masks. It could put some pressure, but the government does not want to use an iron fist to ensure people adhere to the guidelines,” a member of the state COVID-19 task force told PTI.
Maharashtra Health Minister Rajesh Tope recently said people should be ready for stringent measures in the coming days to curb the spread of COVID-19 and that imposing a lockdown is the last option for the state government.