Telegu superstar Mahesh Babu and his wife Namrata Shirodkar met Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates earlier this week. The 46-year-old Indian actor also took to his Instagram and shared a picture of them from the New York Meet. He captioned the picture saying, “ Had the pleasure of meeting Mr. @thisisbillgates! One of the greatest visionaries this world has seen… and yet the most humble! Truly an inspiration!!”
Later, Bill Gates also re-posted their picture on his Twitter and Facebook profiles. He captioned it saying, “Being in New York is always fun – you never know who you’ll run into. It was great meeting you and Namrata”. The billionaire also gave an instagram story update on the same. Bill Gates shared a picture of three of them and he wrote, “Great minds eat alike. I enjoyed meeting you and Namrata”.
Also Read | Bill Gates says cryptocurrency, NFT based on “greater fool theory”
The picture of the three has taken social media by storm and the billionaire has started following Mahesh Babu on Instagram. This has made his fans go frenzy. Different fan clubs of Mahesh Babu on Instagram have been celebrating this by putting different hashtags and sharing, and reposting pictures of the same.
Mahesh Babu is currently on a long vacation with his family and he is exploring the European region from Switzerland to Italy. The actor has shared beautiful pictures of himself with his wife, daughter Sithara, and son Gautham. These pictures have been highly liked by fans and thereby setting major family goals. Currently, they are in New York. On the movie front, he was last seen in the hit Telegu film ‘Sarkaru Vaari Paata’. This superstar will soon begin the shoot of his next film with Trivikram Srinivas which will also have Pooja Hedge as female lead in the film. It will be the second collaboration for Mahesh Babu with the director after ten years.