Mika Singh’s ‘Swayamvar: Mika Di Vohti’ came to an end after two months. The show had its finale on Sunday July 24 in which Mika Singh chose Akanksha Puri as his future wife. Akanksha was competing with two other finalists Prantika Das and Neet Mahal. The final episode will be on air today at 8 pm and was shot earlier on Sunday.
In an interview with Times of India, Mika Singh said that he was not ready for marriage, because of his work commitments. But after consulting with elder brother Daler Mehndi, Mika thought of settling down. He said, “I was not ready earlier. I have said no to at least 100-150 rishtas in the last 20 years, and my work was really important to me”.
He soon signed for the Swayamvar show ‘Mika Di Vohti’ which started on June 19. Singer Shaan was the host of this reality show and he said in an interview with Hindustan Times that, “Mika is indeed serious about finding a wife. I am not sure about how serious the earlier celebrities were or were they looking at it just to gain popularity. At this point in life, Mika doesn’t need something like this for popularity. Whenever we meet, even during our last meeting, he expresses his wish to settle down. I know he is serious”.
Also Read| Who is Akanksha Puri?
Akanksha Puri was a wild card contestant. She has been friends with Mika Singh for about thirteen years now. Akanksha became famous with the show ‘Vighnaharta Ganesh’, in which she portrayed the role of Goddess Parvati for over three years. She left the show in 2020.
Also Read| Who is Mika Singh?
Mika put a wedding garland on Akanksha to declare his choice. According to an Indian Express report, he shared that he wants to spend quality time with Akanksha away from the cameras before they take the nuptial vows. Mika also met Akanksha’s family and sought their blessings as he decided to embark on this new journey.