Rekha Sharma, the chairperson for the National Commission for Women, on Friday, sought the arrest of Shiv Sena Member of Legislative Assembly Pratap Sarnaik, for allegedly threatening Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut.
Sharma speaking on the issue of Sarnaik threatening Ranaut said that she had taken suo motu cognisance of the matter.
In a tweet, Sharma wrote “He must immediately get arrested Mumbai Police. Taking suo motu.”
The Shiv Sena MLA had earlier tweeted stating that Ranaut should be booked under charges of sedition for comparing Mumbai to Pakistan-occupied Kashmir.
Sarnaik tweeted in Marathi saying, “MP Sanjay Raut cautioned Kangana in a very mild way. If she comes here then our brave women will not leave without slapping her. I will demand Kangana to be booked for sedition for comparing Mumbai, the city which creates industrialists and film stars, to PoK”
Sarnaik’s comments were in retaliation to Kangana Ranaut’s accusal of Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut of threatening her.
Earlier on Friday, Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut had accused Ranaut “of trying to insult Maharashtra.” He had stated that, “there must be any political party or power centre which is supporting her, that is why she is speaking like this” and had hinted at a political conspiracy trying to malign the image of Mumbai and Mumbai Police.
Ranaut had on Thursday compared Mumbai to Pakistan occupied Kashmir after she alleged that Shiv Sena MP Raut had “threatened” her.