Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said on Wednesday, that “no meaningful solution” has come out of the diplomatic and military level talks between India and China regarding resolving the standoff at the Line of Actual Control (LAC ) in Eastern Ladakh, reported ANI.
He said, “Talks between India and China have been underway but no success achieved yet. There’ll be a next round of talks on military level which can take place anytime. But no meaningful outcome has come and there is status quo. I don’t think status-quo is positive development.”
According to Singh, if the status quo continues, it will not be possible to reduce the deployment of troops. He said, “If there is status quo, it is natural how deployment can be reduced. There will be no reduction in our deployment and I feel their deployment will also not reduce. Our expectation is that talks result in a positive outcome.”
Also read: Attempts to mislead farmers will not succeed, says Defence Minister Rajnath Singh
Singh further talked about India’s defencive capabilities. He said, “If a country is expansionist and tries to occupy our land, then India has the strength, capability and power to not let its land go into anyone’s hand, whether it is any country of the world.”
Singh said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been key in India’s defencive developments and that security has been a top priority since he took office.
Singh said, “I do not want to question previous governments but I can say that ever since PM Modi took office, national security has been a number one priority and we are providing maximum facilities to our defence forces.”
According to Singh, both India and China have been working on infrastructure developments in border areas. He said, “China has been doing a lot of infrastructure development in its border areas. India is also developing infrastructure at a fast pace for people at the border and for soldiers there. We are not developing infrastructure to attack any country but for our people.”
Singh slammed Pakistan for its border activities. He said that India has the ability to eliminate terrorism by attacking terrorist hideouts.
He said, “Since its existence, Pakistan has been indulging in nefarious actions along the border. Our soldiers have proved that not only this side, but to eliminate terrorism they can go to other side and attack terrorist hideouts if the need arises.”
He added, “India will not tolerate anything that hurts its self-respect. Being soft does not mean that anyone can attack our pride and we sit and watch silently. India will not compromise on its pride.”
Singh slammed foreign leaders for commenting on the ongoing farmers’ protest in India. He said, “I’d like to say about prime minister of any country that comment shouldn’t be made about India’s internal affairs. India doesn’t require any outside interference. It’s our internal matter. No country has the right to comment on our internal affairs.”
Singh said, “Some forces have tried to create some misperceptions amongst farmers. We’ve also spoke to several farmers. My only request to farmers is that clause-wise discussion should be done and not seek ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer.”
Talking about farmers being termed ‘naxals’ and ‘khalistanis,’ he said, “These allegations should not be made by anyone against farmers. We express our deepest respect towards them. Our heads bow in respect towards our farmers. They are our ‘annadatas’.”