West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and Union Home Minister Amit Shah sparred yet again on Wednesday, this time over the number of seats the BJP would win in the ongoing eight-phase Assembly elections. Also featuring in this ‘poll prediction’ was the mention of Banerjee’s so-called ‘frustration’ and Shah’s ‘chubby cheeks’.
Addressing a rally in Cooch Behar district, the 66-year-old Chief Minister said, “There are two syndicates – First is of Modi and second is of lovely dada with chubby cheeks. Today he said that they’ll get 65-70 seats, but I say that with the help of the Left and Congress they might get 25,” reports news agency ANI.
This was in response to Shah’s earlier comment in Domjur during a campaign rally. “The Bharatiya Janata Party estimates that it will surely win 63 to 68 seats in the first three phases of elections and gain a huge lead over the Trinamool Congress, Communists and the Congress,” Shah said.
The saffron party will also gain leads in the rest of the phases and cross the target of winning 200 seats, he told reporters after having lunch at a local BJP supporter’s modest home in Howrah district, reports PTI.
Three of the eight phases of polling are done in West Bengal covering 91 of the 294 assembly seats. The fourth phase is scheduled for April 10. The votes will be counted on May 2.