Celebrating Prime Minister Narendra Modi‘s birthday, the Bharatiya Janata Party is all set to launch a mega 20-day public outreach from Friday that will be continued till October 7. This will be done in order to celebrate his 20 years in public life.
The party has also asked its workers pan India to facilitate the COVID-19 vaccination drive on the birthday as part of its “Seva and Samarpan” campaign.
Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya called for a major push to the vaccination drive on Friday, saying it would be the perfect gift for Modi on his birthday.
“Tomorrow is the birthday of our beloved prime minister, lets do #VaccineSeva by helping all unvaccinated people including their loved ones, family members and all sections of the society by getting them vaccinated. This would be a birthday gift for the prime minister,” he said in a tweet in Hindi on Thursday.
The BJP said that they would aim to script history on PM Modi’s birthday by administering a record number of COVID-19 vaccination that is more than 1.5 crore vaccines. To achieve this milestone, BJP prepped the health volunteers to ensure that the maximum number of people get inoculated.
BJP General Secretary Tarun Chugh, in charge of the health volunteers initiative, said: “What can be more special than protecting people for which the Prime Minister is working day and night. It is a matter of pride that we have two Covid vaccines in our name and we have been able to protect citizens from this deadly pandemic. It would be a befitting tribute to PM Modi who strived hard to ensure people remain protected from Covid.”
Since Modi became prime minister in 2014, the BJP has been celebrating his birthday as ‘Seva Diwas’ (Service Day) and organises welfare activities across the country for a week but this time it has been extended to 20 days as he is completing his two decades holding public office.
BJP president JP Nadda issued a set of instructions to party workers for organising health and blood donation camps and distributing rations to the poor as part of the campaign.
Over 14 crore ration bags printed with Modi’s pictures will also be distributed among the needy during the exercise.
The BJP workers will carry out a large-scale cleanliness drive on October 2, the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.
The LJP faction headed by Union minister Pashupati Kumar Paras will also celebrate Modi’s birthday by distributing food among the poor and planting saplings in the national capital.