The Delhi Police became the latest to join the ‘pawri ho rhi hai‘ meme fest, however, with a different take by going against the wave. The Delhi Police on Sunday seized 24 ‘hukkas’ from a restaurant-cum-bar after raids. Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police (West) Prashant Gautam took to Twitter and posted the photos of seized ‘Hookahs’, and wrote, “Yehe Hum hain..Yehe Hooke Hain.. Aur ab Pawri nahi ho rahi hai. (This is us, this is ‘Hookahs” and now there is no party).”
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“PS- Some Pawris are not only injurious to health they are illegal too. Seized 24 Hooka from Rajouri Garden area,” he further wrote.
The ‘pawri ho rhi hai’ meme fest started on social media last month after Pakistani influencer Dananeer Mobeen, who shared a video on Instagram, where she was seen saying, “Yeh hum hain, yeh hmari car hai, aur yeh pawri ho rhi hai. (This is us, this is our car and we are having a party.)
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The video, which was a mock for the Pakistani elites who call Burgers as ‘Borgers’ in an attempt to copy the western culture, Dananeer captioned the post, “No one: When borgors visit northern areas: yeh hamari pawri horai haai.”
The meme took the internet by storm, and also became a reason to unite India and Pakistan, as people on each side of the border recreated the tagline. Indian music composer Yashraj Mukhate also recreated the video into a song, making it further more enjoyable for the netizens.
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After seizing the ‘Hookahs’, a senior Delhi Police official said, “The police team found that COVID-19 protocols were also not being followed. There were no screening machines or sanitizers at the restaurant. The customers were also found to be smoking ‘hukkas’,” reports PTI.