Dwayne Johnson, who will be seen in titular role in the Black Adam, shared the look of his character on his Instagram handle. Not long ago, the actor also revealed that the script is paying homage to Johnny Cash. The movie had to suffer a delay in production due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and will now debut in theaters on July 29, 2022.
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More recently, he revealed a new on-set image and spent a
few words to describe the “champion of the people” that he’s going to play.
Ironically, Dwayne’s nickname was the “People’s Champion” when he was
in WWE.
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“If you know the comic book mythology, then you know where
his pain comes from,” he wrote. “His rage. His wife and children were killed.
His people were brutally enslaved. He is not a superhero, but rather a
champion. Champion of the poor and beaten down. Champion of the people. And he
is the most unstoppable force in the DC UNIVERSE.”
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Johnson is referring to Black Adam‘s modern origin story,
where he is a warrior from Kahnda, a fictional North African nation that is
conquered by Ahk-Ton, a priest who lived under the reign of Ramses II. And
while the Egyptian troops are sacking Kahndaq, Adam loses his family, which
leads him to embrace the dark side of his powers.