Election strategist Prashant Kishor, who is said to join Congress soon, has suggested a set of changes within the party. From a ‘non-Gandhi’ working president to establishing a connection with the masses, the poll strategist sought a complete reshaping of the party in order to make it a force in the 2024 General elections.
According to various reports, Prashant Kishor, in his two meetings with the Gandhis, has chalked out an extensive plan to revamp the Congress and presented it to its leaders.
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While suggesting Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi and other core leaders of the party must travel and communicate with the public across the country, he expressed strong confidence in Sonia Gandhi’s leadership.
In his presentation, Prashant Kishor stressed that the grand old party needs to shed its inertia, mediocrity, and status quo in order to change its fortunes. He, however, added that the party must retain its legacy and core values.
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Before asserting that the party should connect with the masses and improve communication, he asked Congress to overcome the sense of entitlement, arrogance, lack of accountability, sycophancy, and corruption.
In his presentation, the poll strategist suggested that Congress should fight alone in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Odisha, and it should form alliances in Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Maharashtra to which Rahul Gandhi has reportedly agreed.
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Kishor is learnt to have said that Congress should focus on 370 Lok Sabha constituencies for the 2024 general elections.
The poll strategist will hold talks with the interim president of Congress Sonia Gandhi today while Rahul Gandhi along with the national general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra are also likely to take part in the deliberations on the issue of the joining of the poll strategist.
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Talks on joining Congress are only between the Gandhis and Kishor. However, reports state that he may join Congress in the next three to four days.