In seeking justice for 9-year-old Dalit girl, who was allegedly raped, killed, and hastily cremated on Sunday, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi may have breached the basic law – to not reveal the identity of the victim. The Congress leader visited the girl’s family on Wednesday morning, and soon after posted a picture of himself with the victim’s parents. “The tears of her mother and father say just one thing – their daughter, the country’s daughter, deserves justice. And I am with them in this path to justice,” Gandhi tweeted in Hindi.
Rahul Gandhi, however, courted controversy because while voicing his support for the family, he posted the picture of the family, which reveals the identity of the victim.
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The move has led to the Chairperson of National Commission for Protection of Child Rights Priyank Kanoongo writing to Twitter, asking them to remove Rahul Gandhi’s tweet disclosing the identity of the child victim in Delhi.
“By tweeting the photo of the victim’s father and the mother, Mr Rahul Gandhi has breached the POCSO (Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act) Act. NCPCR has taken the cognisance of the matter and issued the notice to @TwitterIndia to take action against his Twitter handle and remove the post,” tweeted Kanoongo in Hindi.
Several Twitter users asked for action against Rahul Gandhi for revealing the identity of the victim.
The nine-year-old girl was allegedly raped and killed by a priest and three employees at a crematorium near Delhi Cantonment on August 1. The four accused, known to the girl’s mother, called her and showed her the girl’s body, claiming that the child was electrocuted while getting water and cremated the body of the child, allegedly without her parents’ consent or the police being informed.
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Radhey Shyam (55), a priest at the cremation ground, and three other employees – Kuldeep Kumar (63), Laxmi Narain (48) and Mohd Salim (49), were arrested on Monday. The victim’s mother alleges that the accused men didn’t take her permission before lighting the pyre. “I was screaming and a few villagers saw and came to help me. We doused the fire but could only recover my daughter’s legs,” she said, adding that her daughter was sexually assaulted.