Amidst the ongoing controversy involving former Karnataka minister Ramesh Jarkiholi over an alleged sex tape and sexual abuse allegations against him, a conversation in the purported clip between Jarkiholi and the woman has further increased problems for the Bharatiya Janata Party.
In the clip, Jarkiholi is allegedly heard saying that Congress leader Siddaramaiah was “good” while Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa “has done too much corruption,” according to India Today.
Jarkiholi allegedly went on to say that Union Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Pralhad Joshi will become the chief minister. The 60-year-old submitted his resignation from the post of Minister for Water Resources in Karnataka following the allegations and complaint.
Social activist Dinesh Kallahalli on Tuesday filed a complaint against the minister after the woman’s family approached him following alleged threats from Jarkiholi.
Th activist told News 18, “Since I am into social activism, they approached me with the complaint and the CD and shared all the details. Please investigate the truth of the matter, file a criminal case against the minister and provide protection to the victim.”
Following the complaint, Pralhad Joshi told ANI, “I have seen the video of state minister Ramesh Jarakiholi in the media. I will speak to the CM and the party chief about it tomorrow. We will check the authenticity of the CD and take action accordingly.”