Minutes after actor Rhea Chakraborty was arrested on Tuesday by the Narcotics Control Bureau in drugs case related to Sushant Singh Rajput’s death, her lawyer called it ‘travesty of justice’ adding that ‘three central agencies were hounding a single woman.’
“Travesty of Justice. 3 Central Agencies hounding a single Woman, just because she was in love with a Drug Addict and was suffering from Mental Health issues for several years under the care of 5 Leading Psychiatrists in Mumbai, who ended up committing suicide due to consumption of Illegally Administered Medicines and used drugs,” Chakraborty’s lawyer Satish Maneshinde said in a statement.
Rhea Chakraborty, 28, was arrested after three days of questioning by the anti-drugs agency probing the narcotics case in connection with the death of Sushant Singh Rajput, who was found dead at his Mumbai flat on June 14.
Earlier, last week Chakraborty’s brother Showik was arrested in connection with the case. This was followed by three more arrests, including that of Rajput’s cook and alleged drug peddlers. Rhea, in a few TV interviews, had alleged that Rajput used to smoke marijuana.
Rhea Chakraborty’s lawyer had earlier denied that her client had ever consumed banned substances, and had even offered for her to undergo a drug test.