Sachin Tendulkar’s daughter Sara’s new gym avatar has gone viral on social media, with people wondering if she is Bollywood ready. On Tuesday, Sara, who enjoys a fanbase on social media, shared few photos taken at the gym, promoting her friend’s sportswear venture.
The photos have since gone viral with people praising her for her effortless style and relaxed attitude.
Several Bollywood celebs like Kartik, Arjun and Ananya Panday liked the photos, while Tiger Shroff’s sister Krishna dropped a comment on Sara’s post.
Sara is allegedly in a relationship with Kolkata Knight Riders batsman Shubman Gill. Though the two haven’t officially spoken about it on, they do follow each other on Instagram.
Earlier this year, one of his followers asked him whether he is single, he replied that he is very much single and has no plans of getting into a romantic relationship in the near future.
“Oh yes! I am. I have no plans of cloning myself in the near future, either,” Gill answered.