The Lok Sabha was adjourned thrice on Friday after Congress lawmakers traded barbs with Minister of State Finance Anurag Thakur over his comments on the ‘Gandhi parivar’ during the introduction of the taxation amendment bill.
Shashi Tharoor, Congress MP, slamming Thakur said, “Instead of answering objection raised (on PM CARES Fund), Union Minister Anurag Thakur proceeded to deliver political speech in worst possible taste & started attacking everybody from Gandhi, Nehru to present-day Gandhi family which was not relevant.”
Also Read | ‘Gandhi parivar’ in the crosshairs as minister defends taxation bill, Cong demands apology
“This is an attempt by the govt to distract the nation and the Parliament from real issues being raised. They don’t want discussion and face opposition criticism. All they are interested in is rushing their bills without any objection,” news agency ANI quoted Tharoor as saying.
The outburst followed the comments of Thakur, who targeted the ‘Gandhi parivar’ while defending the Taxation and Other Laws (Relaxation and Amendment of Certain Provisions) Bill that includes the PM Cares Fund.