As the West Bengal Assembly election race heats up, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, on Sunday, in a stinging attack, said the Trinamool Congress chief Mamta Banerjee will be left all alone by the time the election arrives. Shah was addressing a rally at West Bengal’s Dumurjula via video conferencing.
“Mamata Banerjee should think why so many TMC leaders are joining the BJP. It is because she has failed the people of the state. By the time elections arrive, she will be left alone,” Shah said, hinting at more exits from the ruling party.
Shah exuded confidence in forming the next government in the state and take it to the path of development.
“I want to make it clear that the BJP would come to power in the state after the elections. While the Modi government is working towards ‘jan kalyan’ (serving people), the Mamata Banerjee government is working towards ‘bhatija kalyan’ (serving her nephew) in Bengal,” Shah said.
A day after joining BJP, former TMC leaders Rajib Banerjee, Baishali Dalmiya, Prabir Ghoshal, Rathin Chakraborti and actor Rudranil Ghosh shared the stage with Union Minister Smriti Irani, BJP leaders Dilip Ghosh and Kailash Vijayvargiya at Dumurjala Stadium in Howrah on Sunday.
Earlier on December 19, in the biggest single-day exodus from the TMC, political heavyweight Suvendu Adhikari, along with 35 party leaders, including five MLAs and an MP, had joined the BJP during Amit Shah’s rally in Medinipur.