Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal announced that actor Sonu Sood will become the brand ambassador of ‘Desh ke Mentors’ programme of the Delhi government.

Sood met Kejriwal in the capital on Friday morning where the two addressed a joint press conference during which the CM said, “Sonu Sood ji has agreed to become the brand ambassador of our ‘Desh Ke Mentors’ program which will be launched soon.”

“Today, I have been given an opportunity to mentor lakhs of students. There is no greater service than guiding students. I am sure together we can and we will,” said Sood.

Sood’s efforts during the second wave of the pandemic to help out Indians in need of  oxygen, medicines, and hospital beds were lauded by the public, leading to the actor becoming a household name in troubled times for the nation.

  Also Read | Sonu Sood to Priyanka Chopra: Bollywood stars helping out during India’s COVID crisis

“When the lockdown started, we connected with many people, then we realised that education is a big issue. But in the meantime, the big questions are that the children do not know what to do next. There is no one to tell in the family. You will give education to the children, but there should also be someone who gives them the right direction,” said philanthropist Sonu Sood while speaking on the ‘Desh Ke Mentors’ programme.

Sood’s work over the last one year has led to him gaining more trust among the general public, raising questions over his potential future in Indian politics.

Also Read | Sonu Sood to provide free IAS coaching, launches Sambhavan initiative

“People always say that you are doing good work, join politics. But it is not necessary for any good work. I keep getting offers but I have never thought this. I haven’t talked to Kejriwal Ji about politics,” said Sood.

The media had been eying Sood’s meeting with Kejriwal in Delhi in hopes of learning more about his next move and if he is willing to enter politics with one of the main established political parties.

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“I haven’t thought of entering politics yet.”

“Politics is a great field, but as of now we haven’t discussed anything about it,” said Sood.

Sood’s statement comes amid speculations that the Moga-born 47 year old actor or his sister may contest the upcoming Punjab Assembly polls.