Joining the bandwagon demanding justice for Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput, national general secretary of BJP P Muralidhar Rao said that the case might need the involvement of National Investigation Agency (NIA). Citing CBI, ED and Narcotics Bureau investigation into the case, the saffron party leader said that the case is getting larger with a ‘web of networks’.

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“Entire India and Indians all over are watching keenly – intensively and emotionally, Whoever is helping and contributing for this is not fighting for #JusticeForSSR but also – helping the clean Bollywood movement,” the leader said in a series of tweets.

He also said that clean Bollywood and Justice for SSR are translating to a larger movement after Kangana Ranaut’s letter to PM Modi. “Swachha Bollywood..Swachha Bharat,” he wrote.

The actor was found dead in his apartment in Mumbai on June 14, in what the Mumbai Police said was a case of suicide. However, Rajput’s father KK Singh had filed an FIR against Chakraborty last month, accusing her of abetment to suicide.

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The CBI took over the inquiry into Rajput’s death earlier this month as the Centre accepted Bihar government’s recommendation to involve the investigation agency in the case. The Enforcement Directorate is probing a money laundering angle while the Narcotics Bureau is probing alleged dealings in banned drugs.