Swaraj India party president Yogendra Yadav was detained on Wednesday along with 100 other farmers from a busy road in Sirsa over their protests against the newly enacted farm laws. They were taken into preventive custody from their dharna site on the road, with the farmers being put on buses and other vehicles that drove them to a nearby police station.
“Along with protesting farmers, I have been detained from the farmers’ protest site in Sirsa. Been taken to Police Thana Sadar, Sirsa,” Yadav, who came in support of agriculturists’ agitation against the new farm bills, posted on Twitter.
He added that the government is scared of the protests and are now resorting to brutal action.
“I have been detained by Haryana Police for joining a peaceful dharna at Sirsa. Dharna site demolished. About 100 farmers and leaders arrested. Clearly, Haryana govt is rattled by farmers’ questions, bent upon using brutal force to prevent dissent,” Yadav said in another tweet.
Haryana Kisan Manch chief Prahalad Singh was also taken into preventive custody and detained, PTI reported quoting Sirsa DSP Kuldeep Singh.
He said that the farmers were protesting at a site where they were not given permission to do so.
“The farmers had been allowed to hold their dharna on Dussehra grounds and we had asked them to move there and also had given them a choice to go to another site near Deputy Commissioner’s office. However, they did not agree after which we took them into preventive custody,” the DSP was quoted by PTI, as saying.
He said commuters were facing difficulty as the peasants were holding dharna in the middle of a busy road.
The farmers said they will carry on with their dharna for an indefinite period and force the Centre to roll back the new farm legislations, which they dubbed “anti-farmers”.