Only half an hour before the election dates of Tamil Nadu were to be announced by the Election Commissioner, Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly passed a bill reserving 10.5% among the 20% reserved for the Most Backward Classes to the Vanniyar Kshatriya Community. This includes vanniyar, vanniya, vannia gounder, gounder, padayachi and palli communities, TOI reported.
A long-pending move, this bill will also provide a 7% quota to denotified communities and other communities that have similarities with denotified tribes. There are 68 communities in the denotified groups and 25 in the Most Backward Classes group. Others in the Most Backward Classes will be provided a reservation of 2.5%.
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According to the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister, Edapaddi K Palaniswami, this is only a temporary measure. The final one will come when proper data about the social, educational, and economic parameters are collected. The report is due in six months.
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The Bill stated that it was making space for internal reservation in response to the various demands of separate reservation within the backward classes that will provide these three groups with better opportunities and representation in state-appointed posts and services. This Bill complies with and accepts the recommendations conducted by the Tamil Nadu Backward Classes Commission.