Telangana CM K Chandrashekhar Rao has announced Rs 50 lakh ex-gratia for Deputy Engineer Srinivas Goud’s family and Rs 25 lakhs each for families of others who died in Srisailam Power Plant fire accident. Their family members will also be given a government job, reported ANI.
All nine people who were trapped inside the Srisailam hydroelectric plant after a massive fire broke out on Friday morning died.
Nagarkurnool District Collector L Sharma said the body of Assistant Engineer Sunder Nayak, hailing from Suryapet, has been recovered and been sent for post-mortem.
Police identified the other body as that of assistant engineer Mohan Kumar.
The Srisailam hydroelectric plant is located underground on the Telangana-Andra Pradesh border.
Built on river Krishna, the Srisailam Left Bank power station, about 200 km from Hyderabad, is operated by the Telangana State Power Generation Corporation (GENCO).
The plant has six units with combined capacity of 900 MW (6X150). The power generation was in full swing following the incessant rains during the past few days.
Power generation has been suspended following the fire mishap.