Actor Kangana Ranaut took to Instagram to praise Samantha Akkineni for the ‘The Family Man 2’trailer. The much-awaited series’ trailer premiered online on Wednesday morning. The ‘Queen’ actor shared a screenshot from the trailer with the caption, “This girl has my heart”. The still of the trailer featured Akkineni’s character saying, “I will kill them”.
Also read: ‘The Family Man 2′ trailer: Manoj Bajpayee faces new rival Samantha Akkineni
After a long wait, ‘The Family Man’ season 2 trailer has been finally launched, setting in motion the countdown to the premiere of the much-delayed web series. The makers, in an official statement, said that the trailer received 5 million views in five hours and went on to become the top trend on YouTube.
Also read: ‘Told not to offend COVID fan club’: Kangana Ranaut on testing negative
In an interview Manoj Bajpayee, the lead cast of the show said, “Family Man 2 is going to be far bigger and far more different than before. It is going to be an experience that you will not forget easily”. Season two also marks the digital debut of Telugu star Samantha Akkineni. The show will also feature Priyamani, Sharad Kelkar and Sharib Hashmi reprising their roles from the original season. Season 2 will premiere on Amazon Prime on June 4.