After crossing the Line of Control (LoC) inadvertently and entering Jammu and Kashmir’s Poonch district on Sunday, two minors girls, who are sisters from Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK), were sent back to Pakistan on Monday with gifts.
Residents of Kahuta Tehsil in PoK, 17-year-old Laiba Zaibar and her younger sister, Sana Zabair, 13, were detained on Sunday after they were spotted moving in India’s territory by Indian troops.
“We lost our way and entered Indian territory. We feared that Army personnel will beat us up but they treated us in a very good manner,” Laiba said, reported ANI.
The 17-year-old added, “We had thought they would not allow us to go back but today we are being sent home. People are very good here.”
A defence spokesperson on Monday said, “Two girls of Abbasspur, Tehsil Forward Kahuta of PoK, who had inadvertently crossed into the Indian side in Poonch, have been repatriated from the Chakan Da Bagh (CDB) crossing point today.”
The handover of the sisters took place at the CDB point in the presence of civilian and military officials of Pakistan. They were given gifts and sweets by the Indian Army as a goodwill gesture, he said.