The Indian contingent at Tokyo Olympics 2020, who won a total of seven medals this time, were hosted by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The PM had promised them to share ice cream with badminton champion PV Sindhu, who won a bronze medal and creating history at the games.
Sindhu took to Twitter and shared the pictures with the PM. She wrote, “Glad to have got the opportunity to finally have an ice cream with our Hon’ble PM.”
After her win, her father had told the reporters that PM had promised her an ice cream after she comes back from Tokyo. Sindhu had told PM Modi how she could not eat ice cream too often due to her preparations for the game.
Meanwhile, the PM also requested the athletes to visit 75 schools by August 15, 2023. He urged them to spend an hour with the students at these schools and create awareness about malnutrition and inspire them for sports.
During the interaction with Olympic medal winners, Narendra Modi also ate some desserts with javelin expert Neeraj Chopra. The Gold medallist enjoyed some Churma with the Prime Minister.
Neeraj Chopra had earlier confessed his love for sweets, such as sweet homemade Churma.
The PM was also seen sharing a light moment with silver medallist Mirabai Chanu.
He praised her for rewarding the truck drivers who helped her during her training days.
The Indian contingent was also part of the Independence Day celebrations at the Red Fort. During his speech, PM Modi said, “The athletes who have made us proud at Tokyo Olympics are here amongst us today. I urge the nation to applaud their achievement today. They have not only won our hearts but also inspired future generations.”